
Meet me…

Kendra Isaacs!

Welcome to my creative space. I’m so glad that you’re here. Kendra is my name, but you can call me Kenny. I’m a 20 something-year-old bubbly blogger from New Hempstead (not Long Island), New York. I’m currently living in Busan, South Korea as an expat. If you’re wondering how I got here, keep reading. 

The Woman Behind the Words

In 2013, I graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration as a Fashion Merchandising major, followed up with my Master’s in Business Administration in 2015. For about 8 years, I worked as an HR Generalist, which to be totally honest, did nothing but stifle my creative, adventurous soul.  I finally grew tired of the monotony of the corporate 9 to 5 job and left. 

At the top of 2019, I accepted a job as an English Foreign Language teacher. I packed my bags, bid my friends and family adieu,  and flew 15 hours to Asia to a country I had only seen in dramas (ergo my current presence in South Korea for the past 2 years).

A luminary of sorts?

Visual storytelling is something that I kind of…fell into. I began by merely documenting my day-to-day life and experiences abroad. My noteworthy travels, unique eats, TEFL & classroom life, my daily highs & lows, or maybe it’s my obsession with all things fluffy (alpacas mainly), I can’t really say which one drew people in. Regardless, I’m glad my random content moved someone.


After all, that is the purpose of this website…to inspire. Whether you’ve settled well into your life or you’re stumbling about trying to figure it out like the rest of us, I want my little online-journal to encourage, galvanize, and motivate you. My goal for not only myself but for you too is to leave the mundane behind and break down the walls we build for ourselves so we can find our TRUE happiness in this life.


Hey You!

Let’s Work Together!

If you’d like to work with Kendra Isaacs, I am available for the following:

  • Reviews and Giveaways

  • Brand Ambassadorships

  • Itinerary Planning
